Environment and Transport Committee - Monday 27 November 2023, 10:00am - Timeline Tab - Shetland Islands Council Webcasting

Environment and Transport Committee
Monday, 27th November 2023 at 10:00am 









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  1. Chamber
  2. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
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Share this agenda point
  1. Chamber
  2. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  3. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  4. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
Share this agenda point
  1. Chamber
  2. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
Share this agenda point
  1. Chamber
  2. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  3. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  4. Chamber
  5. Catherine Hughson (Cllr)
  6. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  7. C Symons (Exc. Mgr. Estate Ops.)
  8. Chamber
  9. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  10. Chamber
  11. C Symons (Exc. Mgr. Estate Ops.)
  12. Chamber
  13. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  14. Catherine Hughson (Cllr)
  15. Chamber
  16. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  17. Chamber
  18. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  19. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  20. Chamber
  21. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  22. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  23. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  24. A Inkster (Exc Mgr Marine & Air)
  25. Chamber
  26. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  27. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  28. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  29. Chamber
  30. Arwed Wenger (Cllr)
  31. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  32. Arwed Wenger (Cllr)
  33. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  34. Chamber
  35. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  36. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  37. Chamber
  38. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  39. Andrea Manson (Convener)
  40. Chamber
  41. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
Share this agenda point
  1. Chamber
  2. N Grant (Dir. Development)
  3. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  4. N Grant (Dir. Development)
  5. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  6. Chamber
  7. N Grant (Dir. Development)
  8. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  9. N Grant (Dir. Development)
  10. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  11. Chamber
  12. N Grant (Dir. Development)
  13. Chamber
  14. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  15. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  16. Chamber
  17. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  18. Chamber
  19. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  20. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  21. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  22. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  23. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  24. Chamber
  25. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  26. Chamber
  27. Catherine Hughson (Cllr)
  28. Chamber
  29. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
Share this agenda point
  1. L Moar (TL - Env Health)
  2. Chamber
  3. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  4. Robbie McGregor (Cllr)
  5. Chamber
  6. L Moar (TL - Env Health)
  7. Chamber
  8. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  9. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  10. H Burgess (Vet. Officer - EH)
  11. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  12. Chamber
  13. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  14. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  15. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  16. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
Share this agenda point
  1. C Symons (Exc. Mgr. Estate Ops.)
  2. Chamber
  3. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  4. Chamber
  5. C Symons (Exc. Mgr. Estate Ops.)
  6. Chamber
  7. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  8. Chamber
  9. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  10. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  11. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  12. C Symons (Exc. Mgr. Estate Ops.)
  13. Chamber
  14. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  15. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  16. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
Share this agenda point
  1. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  2. Chamber
  3. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  4. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  5. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  6. Robbie McGregor (Cllr)
  7. Chamber
  8. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  9. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  10. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  11. Arwed Wenger (Cllr)
  12. Chamber
  13. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  14. Arwed Wenger (Cllr)
  15. Chamber
  16. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  17. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  18. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  19. Arwed Wenger (Cllr)
  20. Chamber
  21. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  22. Mark Robinson (Cllr)
  23. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  24. Mark Robinson (Cllr)
  25. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  26. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  27. Chamber
  28. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  29. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  30. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  31. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  32. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  33. Chamber
  34. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  35. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  36. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  37. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  38. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  39. Chamber
  40. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  41. Arwed Wenger (Cllr)
  42. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  43. Arwed Wenger (Cllr)
  44. Chamber
  45. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  46. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  47. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  48. Arwed Wenger (Cllr)
  49. Chamber
  50. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  51. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  52. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  53. Robbie McGregor (Cllr)
  54. Chamber
  55. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  56. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  57. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  58. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  59. Mark Robinson (Cllr)
  60. Chamber
  61. Andrea Manson (Convener)
  62. Chamber
  63. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  64. Catherine Hughson (Cllr)
  65. Chamber
  66. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  67. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  68. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  69. Robbie McGregor (Cllr)
  70. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  71. L Malcolmson (Committee Officer)
  72. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  73. Chamber
  74. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
Share this agenda point
  1. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  2. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  3. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  4. Robbie McGregor (Cllr)
  5. Chamber
  6. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  7. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  8. Chamber
  9. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  10. Chamber
  11. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  12. Chamber
  13. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  14. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  15. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  16. Chamber
  17. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  18. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  19. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  20. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  21. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  22. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  23. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  24. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  25. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  26. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  27. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  28. Chamber
  29. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  30. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  31. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  32. Catherine Hughson (Cllr)
  33. Chamber
  34. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  35. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  36. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  37. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  38. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  39. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  40. Chamber
  41. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  42. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  43. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  44. N Hutcheson (Exc Mgr - Roads)
  45. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  46. Chamber
  47. Robbie McGregor (Cllr)
  48. Chamber
  49. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  50. Dennis Leask (Cllr)
  51. Chamber
  52. Catherine Hughson (Cllr)
  53. Chamber
  54. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  55. Alex Armitage (Cllr)
  56. Chamber
  57. Robert Thomson (Cllr)
  58. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
Share this agenda point
  1. Chamber
  2. J Smith (Dir. Infrastructure)
  3. Chamber
  4. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  5. Chamber
  6. Robbie McGregor (Cllr)
  7. Chamber
  8. Moraig Lyall (Cllr)
  9. Webcast Finished